Finally, this code moves the menu control to a global coordinate that is just below the label control. 最后,这段代码将菜单控件移动到位于标签控件下面的全局坐标中。
A simpler way is to create a global JavaScript object that relates each enumeration value to its label. 一个更简单的方法,是创建一个全局的JavaScript对象,它会向其标签发布每一个枚举值。
Assume you want to get the global location of label. 假设您想要获得label的全局位置。
At its global launch in central London, the latest Black Label phone from LG broke its cover. 在其位于伦敦市中心,最新的黑色标签的LG手机在全球推出打破了它的封面。
As the industry goes global, the art of balance-between the demands of shareholders and the values of a historic label, the need for exclusivity and the need for expansion-has become ever more important, and Mr Toledano is widely regarded as a master. 随着奢侈品行业的全球化,在股东需求和历史品牌价值之间、在排他性需求和扩张需求之间寻求平衡的艺术,已经变得前所未有地重要,而托莱达诺被普遍视为这方面的大师。
Global environment change with global warming as its label has occurred worldwide. 以全球增暖为标志的全球环境变化已经出现。
Indeed, this is a global age Immigrants seem to be another silent label for global ization. 千真万确,这是一个全球化的时代。而移民,则似乎是全球化的另一个无言标签。
With the further extension of global industry division, manufacturing industry has become the most important industry in China Economy under the label of "Made in China". 伴随着国际产业分工的进一步深化,中国制造标签下的制造业已经成为中国经济发展的支柱。
CRFs is a good undirected graph conditional probability model, mainly used to label and segment sequent data. CRFs model can get the global optimal label result using context features. CRFs模型是目前比较优秀的无向图条件概率模型,主要用于标记和分割序列数据,可以利用上下文特征获得全局最优的标注结果。
In the near future, the unprecedented global low-carbon tide will label the main future melody of the world as the environment question once more. 近期,全球前所未有的低碳化浪潮,再次将世界未来发展主旋律定位为环境问题。
After considering the possible six states of vehicle moving, convert the vehicle global optimization tracking problem to the label global connection problem. 在考虑车辆运行过程中可能出现的6种状态后,将车辆的全局最优跟踪问题转化为标号的全局最优连接问题。